Friday, March 27, 2009

Muy Delicioso

Today's lunch was packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins...and it was quite yummy. It was:
  • 6 pieces of salmon sushi
  • 1 hard boiled egg (but I popped out the yolk and just ate the egg whites)
  • About 1 cup+ of strawberries

Salmon is packed with Vitamin D, which is exactly what I need to keep me happy throughout this strange winter/spring that we're having in NYC. It also has Omega-3 Fatty Acids that are essential to well being - they have been seen to prevent blod clots, improve cholesterol ratio, improve overall heart health and lower triclycerides. Salmon can also protect you again stroke, heart attacks, colorectal cancer and macular degeneration. Awesome!

Strawberries are an incredible source of Vitamin C, which I don't think many people realize. Oranges are usually known for their C content, but strawberries have almost as much Vitamin C. They are also good for your eyes, and they counteract the effects of free radicals. They also have a lot of other vitamins and acids that are not in oranges, all in one pretty, pink package.



A little about me: After dealing with a few health problems that don't seem to be treatable by medicine, I have realized that food is the best possible way to guide my body back to optimum health. This blog is mostly an online diary for me, to catalogue what I eat on my way to health and fitness.

Hopefully, I can learn something and give others some ideas, too.